Every day, architects and builders are faced with new and exciting challenges. Sometimes the projects we work on are quick and easy; other times, they take months or even years to complete. While we don’t necessarily like all of these challenges, they do give us a chance to flex our creative muscles while solving problems in new ways. In this article, I’ll talk about some common building issues you may face during your career—and how to overcome them.


There are a lot of challenges that come with building your own home. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available to help you overcome these challenges. The key is to be organised and plan ahead as much as possible. By doing so, you will be able to manage the process better and save yourself time and money in the long run.

One thing that will help immensely is if you can find an experienced friend or family member who has built their own home before. They will be able to give you advice on what steps have been the most challenging for them during their experience, which can then inform how much time or money they invested into overcoming those issues (or not).

It’s also important that when someone offers assistance throughout this process: don’t feel obligated! While they might have good intentions in offering up their services, don’t let them pressure into accepting all their recommendations without considering whether or not they’re right for your needs specifically (and remember: nothing is wrong with asking someone else!).


To start, you need to understand that budgeting is a process, not an event. It’s one of those things that you’ll be working on for the rest of your life—or at least until you have a firm grasp on it and feel confident in your ability to make financial decisions based on what’s best for your family.

There are many different aspects of budgeting: tracking expenses and income; keeping track of everything you spend money on so that nothing slips through the cracks; creating plans for large purchases or other expenses in advance so they don’t catch anyone off guard when they happen; making sure every member of the family knows how much money they can spend each month (and sticking within those limits).

But before we get into all that, let’s talk about what goes into creating a budget in general.


When we have little to no experience with a particular process, it’s difficult to know where to start. We can feel overwhelmed by the task of learning something new, and that gets in the way of getting started.

The best way to overcome unfamiliarity is to break down your goals into small steps—which are easier for your brain to handle at once—and find ways for those steps to be rewarding as you work toward your larger goal. This might mean setting aside certain tasks or milestones as “rewards” for yourself along the way; when you reach those milestones, give yourself something nice! It could look like:

  • Setting an achievable goal (like being able to do ten push-ups)
  • Breaking down each step into smaller pieces (for example: doing three sets of five reps without stopping)


Good design is a big part of why you love your home. Good design doesn’t just make it look great — it also makes it work better. It’s the way things fit together, how they’re organized and arranged, and how they’re made to blend with each other.

Design professionals help you think about all these things when planning your new building project. They’ll suggest ways to use space more efficiently or maximize its beauty. And they’ll be there every step of the way during construction so that everything turns out just as you imagined it would in your head


Timeframes are important. They are not always possible to achieve, but they should be used as the main guiding force to organize your project.

If you find yourself unable to meet your timeframes, it is imperative that you let someone know as soon as possible. Your client will appreciate your honesty and appreciate the opportunity to make alternative plans if necessary.


Hiring the right people is important. I recommend hiring people you can trust, who have the skills to do the job and are reliable and trustworthy. It’s also important that they’ll work well with others on your project.


Choosing a site for your home is one of the first decisions you’ll need to make. There are several things to consider when choosing a site, including:

  • How much space you want and how much land is available on that site
  • Whether the selected location is close enough to where you live now so as not to require extensive travel every day
  • The availability of utilities and public transport nearby (for example, will there be access to an electrician who can help with electrical issues?)

Most building challenges are avoidable, provided you spend the time developing a solid plan and engage the right people to help you along the way.

If you want your project to go smoothly and without any hiccups, it’s important to understand that any number of issues can arise. The best way to avoid them is by doing the hard work up front: don’t rush the process, don’t cut corners and don’t be afraid to ask for help or change your mind if something isn’t working as planned.

It may not always feel like it, but there are many advantages that come with working on a team—for example, team members can share their expertise with one another so everyone has a broad base of knowledge about different aspects of the project. If one person knows about construction and another person knows about design or marketing—or whatever else needs attention—then everyone benefits from multiple perspectives on how best to tackle challenges together. This approach also means that no single person is responsible for everything; instead, responsibility is shared among members who each contribute according to their areas of expertise and interest in order maximize productivity overall


There are many ways to overcome the common building challenges you may encounter. The most important thing you can do is to be prepared and know what you’re getting into before starting your project. If you have a clear idea of what your goals are, it will be much easier for everyone involved in your project from start to finish.